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How to Improve Your Makeup Skills

How to Improve Your Makeup Skills

Whether you are looking to improve your makeup skills for personal reasons or because you’re wanting to branch out into professional makeup work, there are lots of ways to learn and improve your skills. Makeup is a form of creative expression for many people, and if you are willing to spend some time practicing and investing in some quality products, you can very easily improve your makeup skills and look fabulous while doing it!

We’ve put together a few things you can do to help improve your makeup skills and take your looks to the next level.

How to Improve Your Makeup Skills: Invest in Makeup Brushes

Makeup brushes can make or break your makeup application, so investing in a complete, quality set of brushes can make all the difference when it comes to improving your makeup skills. Having a complete set of brushes where each brush has a specific purpose will not only mean you have a set of brushes that will allow you to makeover an entire face, but it will also ensure that you don’t end up having to reuse brushes.

There are a few key types of makeup brushes that are essential for good makeup applications. Using these brushes can help you apply makeup smoothly, but you don’t necessarily have to invest in them all at once. Investing in one at a time can give you the opportunity to learn how to best use each brush.

Here are eight key makeup brushes you should have in your makeup bag:

  • Foundation brush
  • Concealer brush
  • Face powder blush
  • Blush brush
  • Small blending brush
  • Flat eyeshadow brush
  • Precision angle brush (for eyeliner)
  • Lip brush


Search Out Tutorials to Develop Your Skills and Find Your New Look

One of the best things about living in such a digital world is the fact that you have access to hours of makeup tutorials at the tip of your fingertips. Watching and following makeup tutorials found on social media platforms like Youtube, Instagram, and TikTok is a great way to practice and learn more about makeup application techniques.

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Tutorials can be a great way to learn about how to mix colours and finishes of makeup too. Bright, bold colours might scare you and seem daunting, but try following a makeup tutorial to see how the colours look on yourself—you might be pleasantly surprised!

Practice Makes Perfect

Makeup is something that takes practice to perfect, and the great news is that there is always something to be learning. The more time you spend practicing makeup, the better and more comfortable you are going to become. Makeup can be frustrating, especially for someone with little experience, but if you practice and stick with it, it will get easier. Plus, one of the great things about makeup is that if you mess up it can easily be removed and you can touch up or start again.

If you find a makeup tutorial you really like, try following along and see what your end result is. Experiment with different brands, products, and formulas to learn what you like and what works best for your skin.


Take A Course

If makeup is something you enjoy and are interested in pursuing as a career, then take a course! Professional courses are a great way to learn everything there is to know about makeup. They can include everything from colour theory to identifying different skin types and knowing how to properly choose and apply products. We offer a fantastic makeup course that will teach you everything you need to know about makeup, and the best part is that it is online, so you can learn from the comfort of your own home!

Whether you are looking to hone your makeup skills for personal or professional gain, there are endless ways to improve. Don’t be afraid to experiment with colours and have fun!



Interested in enrolling in our makeup course? Click here and enroll today!

Centre of Wellness