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Professional Ethics: How to Become a Successful Beauty Professional

Professional Ethics: How to Become a Successful Beauty Professional

You may have noticed that the Centre of Wellness has a few new courses. The owner of the Centre of Wellness, Claire has been receiving many inquiries from her students asking how to become a successful beauty professional, specifically in the business side of things. She has delivered the courses to answer your questions!  

Not only that, but one of the courses is FREE right now with the purchase of any individual course. Professional Ethics is something that isn’t frequently taught in formal education, but it is imperative to success. When aiming to become a freelance makeup artist, beauty expert, massage therapist, and more, then the mannerism in which you interact with your client is what ensures they return for your service.

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Why should a Beauty Professional learn Professional Ethics? 

Well, do you want to work for yourself? Do you want to help a company succeed? Do you want to learn the best way to interact with your clients? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then this course will benefit you. 

The reason this course is BOGO is because it pairs so well with any other course you choose to take. You’ll be able to learn the skills in the specialty that you choose and learn how to keep your professionalism when interacting with clients, going to job interviews, and more.  

“It’s one thing to learn, and another to be successful” – Claire, owner 

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Get autonomy over your career 

“One of the main reasons that clients leave a salon or fail to return is due to a lack of professionalism on the part of the salon employees.” 

Learning how to diffuse situations, enhance positive experiences, and interact with clients will allow you to be more successful in your career. One of Claire’s goals with her courses is to enhance her students’ knowledge, build on their interpersonal and practical skills, offer their clients the best treatments possible, and give the student autonomy over their own income. 

See also  Enhance Your Skills: Makeup Courses Online

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Communication is key 

Sometimes what works best with friends and family doesn’t work in a professional setting. You can offer an elevated experience utilizing your personality in a way that makes the client comfortable and reassures them that you were the right person to trust when it comes to beauty treatments. 


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Centre of Wellness