Read more on Home Remedies for Getting Rid of Acne

Home Remedies for Getting Rid of Acne

Suffering from acne problems? You’re certainly not alone! Pimples on the face and body is embarrassing and frustrating and has a tremendous negative effect on our self-esteem. While there are medications for blemishes that can be prescribed by a dermatologist, you should consider natural home remedies for acne before taking over the counter prescriptions. We’ve…

Read more on Making the Most of your Eyes – The Cut Crease

Making the Most of your Eyes – The Cut Crease

The cut crease trend in eye make-up has evolved from the smoky eye look and is highly visible on social media currently with professional makeup artists and regular makeup fans posting image after image of amazing looking eyes. The look, which is designed to highlight the contrast between the eyelid crease and the eyelid itself,…

Read more on The Way to Perfect Nails

The Way to Perfect Nails

There's nothing quite like a full set of beautifully-manicured nails when it comes to looking (and feeling) 100 per cent groomed, but even the most professional of jobs won't hide issues such as cracks, tears and splits. The way to do that is to solve any nail issues first. White Half Moons This is the…

Read more on The Benefits of Ear Candling

The Benefits of Ear Candling

Ear Candling is such a unique and historic treatment, and is so effective that many people attest to the value of ear candling in cleansing the ear canals and sinus passages, as years of built-up debris can be removed in the first few candling sessions. The Indians of North America have long understood the problems…