Beauty Basics Bundle


Learn the basics of beauty from this bundle of courses. This bundle includes some of the most sought after treatments that you will feel confident in performing after completion of the courses. You will have a strong skill set and feel more equip with this Beauty Basics training.

Includes the following online courses:


Includes the following online courses:

  • Lash and Brow Tinting Online Course

    In the lash and brow tinting training you will learn colour selection, how to prepare the area, apply the tint, keep the client relaxed while the tint reacts, and then safely remove the product. There are safety concerns and precautions when it comes to applying chemical concoctions so close to the eye, so comprehensive training is absolutely necessary to avoid any mishaps or disaster stories. Lash and Brow tinting is one of the most effective treatments you can give your client to enhance their natural beauty and accentuate their facial features.

  • Full Body Waxing including Face and Bikini Online Course

    In the full body waxing course we teach you not only Procedures and Preparation, Health and Hygiene, but most importantly how and when to work with strip and hot wax, and we how you which wax works best in each area. All the areas of the body that are most frequently asked for are taught, including Brow, Lip, Chin, Sides of Face, Underarm, Full Arm, Full Leg and Bikini Sides. Waxing is definitely the most requested treatment and as such, is the best income earner of the Beauty Therapist’s regime.

  • Brazilian Waxing Online Course

    This course covers all types and aspects of Brazilian Waxing, whilst totally looking after the model’s dignity and modesty. If you are unsure about performing this procedure, then this course will give you the confidence in your skill set, as it concentrates specifically on the best procedure and the unique skills needed to perform the treatment properly and professionally, all the time protecting the client's privacy and ensuring minimal pain.

  • Spray Tan Online Course

    Spray on Tan is a very lucrative modality to add to your Beauty Clinic as very little time is invested and the result is immediate. With this easy-to-learn application method, you will discover all the little 'tricks of the trade' and be shown how to properly use a spray tan machine for the best result. The procedure taught will ensure that you have the skill to spray the body evenly and professionally. Pre-care and After-care advice for your client is included.

Centre of Wellness